

The following is a list of areas of a home care business that can be assessed and assisted through effective coaching, education, and planning. For each area, please rate the CURRENT state of the business that best represents an honest feeling by the owner as to the present status. Each area will have probing questions for you to consider when rating each area. This should be brutally honest. The scale is 1-10.

10 should be that the business has this element completely nailed! It is a clearly understood strength and differentiator for the business. Something you’d be proud to brag about and would be easily picked out and admired by others both within and outside the business.

5 should be used when the business has a somewhat clear understanding of the element but needs help to get that area to perform as it ought to be done. Truly a half-baked area.

1 should be used when the business has put nothing into the element or has not defined it at all or it is so broken that if you asked 10 people inside the business about the element there would be no cohesion amongst the answers.

Example: I feel confident that my annual planning process is good, we generally stick to it, but I am missing a longer term vision plan so I am going to score that element as a seven.

Step 1 of 7
