
Behind the scenes of a 9-figure agency

November 22nd | 11 AM EST

the home care event for home care owners

September 24-26, 2024

Join Clint & Jess for the most anticipated Virtual Event Designed Exclusively for home care owners and CEOS

Empowering home care owners to achieve success defined and designed by them!

Simplify Operations

Streamline Success

There comes a point in running a home care business when an owner feels stuck. Whether that’s experienced along your path to your first million dollars in revenue or your next million, it can leave you frustrated and overwhelmed not knowing which Next Steps to take.

Model your home care agency after the same successful team-managed, growth-without-overwhelm, scalable operations structure that’s resulted in hundreds of agency owners living the success they had hoped for when starting their business. 

From attending webinars to engaging in our coaching programs, you can learn from the best in the industry when it comes to putting more Passion, Purpose, and Profit into your home care business!

September 24-26, 2024

Join Clint & Jess for the most anticipated Virtual Event Designed Exclusively for home care owners and CEOS

August 27-29th

2:00-3:30 PM EST Daily

Participate in our Next Masterclass


Marketing STrategies That Works!

Stay updated

WEDNESDAY, August 14th @ 2PM EST

We host quarterly Masterclasses that are FREE to attend that cover a range of topics to help home care owners realize more success in their agencies.

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Here's what other Home Care Owners have had to say:

I am very happy with the information that is shared by Clint, and I would definitely say that I greatly appreciate the information that Jessica puts out there. They've really got a great breakdown and I, I think they got all the answers that we've looked for over the last several years, so thank you so much for that. Jessica and Clint, we greatly appreciate you.
Dennis van Waardenburg
I would like to let Clinton Jess know that I really appreciate the fact that they can make structure out of chaos and usually have a form for it, and I also really appreciate their humor and their honesty. I'm looking forward to seeing you guys soon.
Dina Hurnevich
What I appreciate about Clinton, Jessica is that despite building and running a successful business, they have put their heart and soul and time and effort to see that we are all successful business owners as well. I am grateful that they have assembled a very inspiring and uplifting group of individuals to be a part of this journey, and I cannot see myself doing this alone. They have given me the map to success, and I appreciate you both, so thank you.
Doug Nevitt
You bring so much energy and positivity and you cheer every single one of us on every single day to do better in our agencies. So I am taking nuggets from you all the time and listening and digesting and implementing into my agency to be better and to grow even quicker.

Truly you guys motivate all of us to do better. So I just wanna say I appreciate it so much. You have allowed me to see the potential that we have in our agency and to take it to the next level and continue to take it to the next level and implement new ideas and think outside the box and get face-to-face and get vulnerable.
Erika Martorell
Hey Clinton, Jess, just a quick thank you for creating such an outstanding network of owners and leaders in the home care industry, and also sharing your methods and structuring a business so that we can all have continued growth and success for ourselves and for our team. Thank you.
Jarod Carter
What I appreciate and love the most about Jess and Clint is just their servant's heart. They love what they do. They love the people that are in this program, and that really shows, I think, that you can tell when someone genuinely wants you to succeed, and they do. They have been there for me at some of the lowest points in business and really helped me to see the make or break moments.

So I contribute so much of not only my success in this business, but also my personal growth to both Clint and Jess. Love you guys.
Kelly Adams

Capitol Hill Advocacy Debrief

From the Live Discussion on
May 1, 2024 @ 2PM ET


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We’ve inspired franchise and independent home care owners across the nation, helping them deliver results that continue to have an incredible impact on the owners, their teams, and the clients they serve.


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*Increased for Coaching Clients since 2020

Keep Taking Action!

Every webinar, course, and interaction with Home Care Ops is purely about taking actions that leads to that End Result in mind. - Clint Nobles

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