Leaders among Action Leaders
We’re excited to announce the following home care owners and operators that we recognized during our quarterly Action Leader Summit in September 2023.
We’re privileged to work with these and many other incredible home care owners who are taking daily action to empower the teams at their agencies and are inspiring others in the process.
“Clint and I are blessed to live a life in which we routinely see miraculous transformations by home care owners and operators. Not only in their agencies but in their lives as well.
We’ve seen agencies come into our coaching program that were barely making payroll that, within a year, were opening second locations… diversifying into multiple revenue streams… all while exiting daily operations. The owners and operators we are excited to recognize this year represent a handful of individuals we’ve witnessed overcome obstacles and pressures faced and dominate as they’ve taken effective action.
Like others in this industry, they’ve experienced moments of being so worn they barely had the strength and mental/emotional capacity to try ‘one more thing’. They are now industry leaders and influencers that are not only changing their lives and building their dreams into reality – they are achieving their true Purpose and Impact.
There are several experiences in home care I could share – so many incredible transformations. But, when I sat down to share my thoughts about the honor it is for Clint and I to witness such incredible tranformations, I was struck with the knowledge that it really takes two simple ingredients to start on a path to making all this success in home care possible:
- Continuous Learning – Owners and Operators that understand “there is much to learn” are prime for continuous improvement. The ability to learn and adapt FAR exceeds any benefits from obtaining academic knowledge. There is inner strength in being a life-long learner. Agility as a home care owner brings calm and the ability to make decisive, course-altering bold moves, and distinguishes them from others in the industry.
- Mentorship and Coaching – I’ve discovered successful people look to mentors and coaches to inspire them to build strong systems and processes as part of their design, as well as handle the weight of the growth within the structure they create. The right choice in a coach/mentor as you create your agency by design sets you on a quicker pace to make systems effectively scalable and repeatable.
Jessica Nobles
september 2023 recipients
Kelly Adams
Beyond Home Care
KEvin Rasmussen
Nicole Haney
Papa’s Place
Mike Griffin
Griswold Home Care
Dennis & Lori Waardenburg
At Home By Choice Home Care
Kristin Beckholt
Interim Healthcare
Erika Jones Thomas
Lillie’s Helpers
Renee Derenne
Jay’s Legacy
TRacey Anastasio
Healing Hearts Home Care
Kat Villanueva
Nest and Care
Brian & Leslie Mitchell
Silver Companios
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